Monday, October 27, 2008


_MG_6978, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


_MG_6923, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6955, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6957, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6960, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sunset in Algonquin

_MG_6830, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6833, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6835, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6834, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


_MG_6842, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6844, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Once in a blue moon I am crazy for you

_MG_6681, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6664, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6872, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

In case you didn't get it....they are loons.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


_MG_6823, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.


_MG_6787, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6788, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Ok, not really. He was barely even 6 inches long.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

You can say it

_MG_6952, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6940, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6938, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.
_MG_6940, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

yes, I am a bad ass

Who took this photo

_MG_6519-2, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

The previous photo, heavily processed. Katie thought that she took that photo, but I thought differently. What do you think?


Reflections, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Fun with reflections in the windows. Not that inspired, more like it was just interesting.

saw with scenery

saw with scenery, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

tree and reflection

tree and reflection, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Black and white prevents you from turning the saturation up to 11.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Big Beaver....oh Yeah

_MG_6715, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

_MG_6712 _MG_6715, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

_MG_6709 _MG_6715, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

_MG_6708 _MG_6715, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


saw, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Left over from the logging days...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


misfire, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

This is what they do when a canon misfires. Besides that, it looks cool.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

battle line

battle line, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Butcher

The Butcher, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm. The butcher.......of sin city!! Not really, but that is the look I'm going for. In any case, I think that civil war reenactments could benefit from dying horses. They probably make horrible sounds, and even a scared horse has these crazy eyes that really stay with you. And I bet they would have them to, but those darn ethics keep getting in the way.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the flag

the flag, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Back when the flag hardly had any stars on it, when men were men and women were nurses in sexy clothing attending to wounded soldiers....I mean, women. Well, in any case, back then, we didn't let the confederate states off the flag, we were like "oh no bitches, we aren't making a bunch of new flags just cause you want to secede. We're going to go to war for the right to not change our flag!!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


_MG_6581, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


_MG_6523, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

I wish I were a blacksmith, so I could forge a chain between my heart and yours and we would never part......

yea, I knew you wouldn't believe it. I just like the glowing hot metal.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Out hatted

_MG_6524, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

I had my hat on, but I felt so inadequate next to this gentleman.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


_MG_6014, originally uploaded by Joe Dohm.

My sis having fun. Don't you just want to buy one of these....look at how much fun they are having. But really, I should sell this to whoever makes those tubes.


The top one is cute. The other two, I'm mostly proud of the lighting, but I could have done better on the poses/enviornments. They just seem like they don't have "it." whatever that is.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Buy the clothes I am advertising....

...even though I'm not wearing any.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


There I am. It was fun.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Starship Troopers

Sorry I've been away.
Anyways, a couple pics from my fish tank, which I've been meaning to take pictures of pretty much since I got it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hi All,
I spent most of today designing a new website for TEL-Atomic, I would very much appreciate everyone's opinions and suggestions. Of course, none of the links work, this is just to get the design right.

Also everyone should check out these awesome pictures from Pampalona.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Little Traverse Bay

I can't decide which I like better....