Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let your genitals hang out!!

I know, the title is somewhat uncouth, but what we really have here is a close up of a plant sex organ. In any case, I got good detial in this shot from Lost Nations, but if I went again I would pay more attention to my backgrounds. In fact, I might need to buy some black felt and a little stand. That would really make this flower jump off the page. I think that the petal on the upper left is also overexposed, something I didn't mean to do when I took the picture. The moral of the story? Meter off a grey card, and use the little feature on the camera that highlightes overexposed pixels during the review.

I look at my photos so much more critically when I am showing them to other people (even though there aren't any other people at the moment). Hopefully I'll learn a lot as I do this.
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