Saturday, May 31, 2008


Behold!! the power of the macro attachment that I didn't know I had.

I was going through my camera stuff, cleaning my lenses, etc, when I came across this wide angle attachment I have (it cuts the focal length of your lens in half). Well, it's also got macro written on it, and I was wondering wtf that means, because short focal lengths and macro go together like oil and water. Turns out, if you unscrew the attachment, and only use one of the lenses, you get a bad ass macro attachment. Above are pictures of the same items with my 70-300mm lens (at 300 mm for all but the pen close up, which was 200). The macro attachment gives me some hardcore distortion, but it lets me focus at like....6 inches, as opposed to 3 feet or so. I'm deffinetly going to have to experiment with this. I'd like to do a close up of my iris, inspired by this, but I have such a narrow depth of field with the macro lens that I think it will be difficult. In fact, it can't even focus cleanly at f/8. I think it may still be changing the focal length of my lens, and converting f/8 to f/1 or something rediculous like that, which would make it basically impossible to focus.

In any case, expect more uber-close ups.

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