Monday, June 16, 2008

The return of the post

So with a title like that, I suppose I should have had a LOTR themed picture, but I don't, so tough. This is a flower (or bud, I guess) that I found at my Granparents' house in Cleveland. It was about a foot in front of an off-white wall, which gave me the option to put some negative space around my composition without worrying about distracting backgrounds. Also, this shot in particular came out exceedingly sharp, which is kind of like taking off a shoe that dosen't fit. Many of my pics are just a tiny bit out of focus, which you don't notice until you see a shot that is perfectly in focus. I actually didn't realize my camera and lens could produce pics this sharp. The composition, as well, is nice. Repeated forms are always good. I think if I could do it again, I would move the camera a bit more to the right in order to get a bit more separation between the buds.


Industrial Helix said...

Funny. I thought the bud was growing against something extremely white and that the second bud was really the color reflection.

Unknown said...

I know, it looks like that to me too. I'll post some other pics so you can see exactly what's up.